Kampanye Alam "Restore the Flower Village Forest" | LindungiHutan
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Kampanye Selesai

Restore the Flower Village Forest

Luke Nelson

Luke Nelson

16.42 pohon terkumpul dari 1 pohon

3 Donatur

Batas Donasi: 14 September 2022
Kampanye Selesai
Penanaman: 24 December 2022
Selesai Ditanam
Unduh LPJ

Belum ada kampanye terkait

Kampanye dibuat 31 July 2022
The Flower Village Forest needs help! The forest around Kambang Village is a unique region key to both farmers and biodiversity, but continued deforestation has brought the conflict between these groups to a breaking point. LindungiHutan hopes to reforest the area with the Banyan tree, but this can only be done with your help.
Continued degradation of the forest has led to a dire situation in the forest, made only worse by the resulting conflicts between the locals and their surround, notably with crop destruction by wild monkeys.

We hope to raise enough money to plant the economically and environmentally beneficial Banyan Strangler to quickly restore the forest and once again establish and equilibrium between this community and nature.

Each tree requires 45,000 IDR, or $4.39AUD, in donations to be planted, but the future yield from these donations will be much greater.
The Banyan tree is so much more than just a tree in this area, with it acting to cure many of the problems plaguing the region as a result of the deforestation. Its extensive root systems allows for the retention of groundwater systems and erosion resistance – aiding in water soil conservation. The bountiful fruits and land cover provide excellent replacements for animal habitats, especially so for the worst. It also has various by-products which can be harvested sustainably for economic gain. As well as that, it is an extremely effective producer of oxygen and carbon store.

Why Should You Support This Program?
Carbon emissions are a massive problem in not just developing nations but also developed ones. By funding programs such as these, you have a unique opportunity to offset your carbon usage massively, with some examples made clear below.

Program participation in this location also supports
Sustainable Development (SDG's)
- Preventing land degradation (SDG's 15)
- Reducing the impact of floods and landslides on residential areas (SDG's 15)
- Increase green cover area (SDG's 15)
- Help reduce carbon emissions ( SDG's 13)
- Improving the economy of farmers and local residents (SDG's 1)
- Providing working hours for local residents (SDG's 8)

Program Achievements
Before June 2022 there have been
- 4 nature campaign
- 296 trees planted
- 0.7 ha planted area
- 12.12 kg CO2 ekv absorbed

Where is this money actually going?
LindungiHutan is an Indonesian conservation company that uses crowd-sourcing and company partnerships to fund programs like these. The programs are unique in that the funding goes into the community to provide work for the locals who already understand their regions. These people then use the money to expedite their planting missions and attain their goals.

Therefore, Protect Forest is here to reforest the Kembang Village Forest so that farmers can produce again. Planting is done with banyan trees as ape habitat as well as water and soil guards.This activity has been carried out by LindungiHutan since 2021.

How to Donate ??
1. Click the "DONATION NOW" button
2. Enter the nominal to be donatedπ
3. Select the payment method Bank transfer (BNI, Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI), Go
-Pay and Doku Wallet
4. Confirmation via WhatsApp, Website or E-mail
5. Done

You can also join the planting action by registering on
the “Join Action” button, the costs are borne by the participants.
Happy Sustainable!!

Penanaman kampanye alam telah dilaksanakan pada 31 Desember 2022

Dokumentasi penanaman dapat diakses melalui 1750 -Restore the Flower Village Forest
Data dan Emisi/Serapan Carbon dapat berubah sesuai data update dan usia pohon
24 Dec 2022
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Tinggi Pohon
Gambar Monitoring
24 Dec 2022
Penanaman kampanye alam dilaksanakan pada 24 Desember 2022
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Gambar Monitoring
24 Dec 2022
Campaign telah dilaksanakan 24-12-2022
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Tinggi Pohon
Gambar Monitoring
29 Aug 2022
Hello everyone, Now that I’ve told you about my campaign, I wanted to tell you a bit more about myself so that you can understand more about why I am doing this. I am a 21 year old student at the Australian National University in Canberra studying a Bachelor of Engineering as well as a Bachelor in Environment & Sustainability. Throughout my degree I have done various projects in the agriculture industry – most recently of which was developing technologies for the native grain industry in Australia. From these projects I have developed a keen interest in the environmental field, specifically in the development of technologies to benefit the environment. Through an exchange program with ACICIS, I got the opportunity to do work experience with LindungiHutan. The work they do really resonated with me, so with their help I am making a campaign to attempt to raise funds for one of their projects. I believe that it is a very important cause and would love your help in it. Thanks for reading and if you have any questions or just want to talk, please get in contact. Luke
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Gambar Monitoring
22 Aug 2022
Off-setting your carbon emissions is important practice in ensuring you live a sustainable life. Here we have detailed some key activities, and the amount of trees required to mitigate them in this very region.
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Gambar Monitoring
2 tahun yang lalu
1 Pohon
2 tahun yang lalu
Ben Davis
11.42 Pohon
2 tahun yang lalu
4 Pohon
2 tahun yang lalu
Ben Davis
11.42 Pohon
2 tahun yang lalu
4 Pohon
2 tahun yang lalu
1 Pohon

Hitung Emisi Karbon dengan Mudah dan Gratis

Melalui Imbangi, setiap pengguna dapat menghitung jejak karbon yang dihasilkan dan menyerapnya dengan langkah penghijauan bersama LindungiHutan

Hitung Jejak Karbon