To be fashionable is to be confident, and to be able to manifest personal values into what we wear
Established in 2015,
HAFIZAH GHAZALI is a slow fashion womenswear label that creates thoughtful designs for the conscious community.
"To be fashionable is to be confident, and to be able to manifest personal values into what we wear"
At HAFIZAH GHAZALI, we believe in the restorative power of tree-planting. While we continue to work towards a more sustainable supply chain, we also have a part to play in the protection of our ecosystem.
Planting trees is one of the most powerful (and easiest) things you can do to create a positive impact on the environment. It regulates the climate and combats climate change, cleans the air, prevents soil erosion, enhances biodiversity, and restores habitat for native animals.
A percentage of every purchase from HAFIZAH GHAZALI will go towards small scale reforestation efforts in national parks and affected areas of rainforest across Indonesia.
Our core values are consist of Ethical Consumption, Carefully-Thought Products and Community Centric. We are supporting United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through Responsible Consumption and Production (Goal 12) and Climate Action (Goal 13) in collaboration with LindungiHutan.
Visit to learn more about our participation in planting more than 3 thousand mangroves at Bekasi, Indonesia.
Trimulyo merupakan daerah hijau di kawasan pesisir yang terletak di Kecamatan Genuk, Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Trimulyo menjadi desa pengaman Pantura dan Kota Semarang dari bencana banjir. Saat ini, kondisi pesisir Trimulyo sangat memprihatinkan karena abrasi yang sangat tinggi. Desa di pesisir Trimulyo sering tergenang air rob dan banyaknya sampah yang masuk memenuhi sungai dan laut, sehingga masyarakat terganggu dengan bau tak sedap dari sampah tersebut. Untuk itu, LindungiHutan melalui kampanye alam akan melakukan penanaman pohon Mangrove Rhizophora sebagai salah satu upaya untuk menanggulangi rob agar tidak semakin meluas. Selain mencegah abrasi, akar mangrove juga memiliki fungsi untuk menjerat sedimen, dan diharapkan akan memunculkan daratan baru kedepannya. Akar Mangrove juga dapat mempercepat penguraian limbah organik dan limbah kimia yang dapat mencemari laut.
Kampanye alam "Hafizah Ghazali for Sustainability Semarang City" telah dilaksanakan diPesisir Trimulyo, Kota Semarang pada tanggal8 Agustus 2021 dibantu oleh KelompokSadar Wisata Tripari.
Dokumentasi lengkap penanaman dapat diakses pada link berikut
1153 -Hafizah Ghazali for Sustainability Semarang City