Kampanye Alam "Do-Nature A Donation to Rebuild the Nature : Kayong Utara" | LindungiHutan
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Do-Nature A Donation to Rebuild the Nature : Kayong Utara

Keluarga Jezz Living

Keluarga Jezz Living

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83 pohon terkumpul dari 250 pohon

6 Donatur

Batas Donasi: 31 October 2021
Kampanye Selesai
Penanaman: 31 December 2022
Belum Ditanam
Kampanye dibuat 20 April 2021
Bantu kami menghijaukan Indonesia!
Salam Lestari!

Hello, Sahabat Alam.

Introducing, we are Jezz Living. Established in 1990, Jezz Living was started from a simple idea to make a seat. A seat is something simple, yet the function of a seat is various - it is to make a place for someone, to make someone feels like home, and to make someone feels accepted.

In Jezz Living, we believe that to live is to make and enjoy art as beauty comes in how we see the world. We introduce ourselves as an interior brand that gives you an abundance of space in seeing life, making art, and enjoying the simplicity found in everyday beauty. From the easiness of working, the comfort of lounging, and the warmth of time spent with friends and family - we would like to help you having a good jezzy time.

We produce every piece with heart in our mind - craftsmanship that we focus on doing. Every step in our production process is started from inspiration, beauty, and warm discussion we do in our design team along with our clients when it comes to a customized work. This is done to achieve high-quality results, high functioning products, and the bond between us, the product, and our customers.

Our hope is that we would never have end-products. Instead, we would have time-tested products and strong bonds with our customers.

This small movement with LindungiHutan is expected to have a big impact on nature, the Earth and the ecosystem in it. Because our efforts are helped a lot by nature, we want to also restore what we have got for nature.

Taman Nasional Gunung Palung (TNGP) adalah taman nasional yang terletak di Kabupaten Kayong Utara dan Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat. TNGP mempunyai ekosistem yang dikatakan sebagai yang terlengkap diantara taman-taman nasional di Indonesia. Selain itu, TNGP merupakan habitat bagi sekitar 2.500 ekor orangutan. Bekantan adalah mamalia dengan jumlah terbesar di TNGP, dan terdapat fauna langka yaitu Kijang Mini. Sejak tahun 2009, masyarakat sekitar sudah mulai melakukan penghijauan lahan di TNGP dan mengawasinya agar terhindar dari kebakaran hutan. LindungiHutan melalui kampanye alam akan melakukan penanaman pohon hutan Kalimantan di wilayah TNGP yang bertujuan untuk Mencegah erosi pada dataran yang miring disebabkan oleh air hujan dan angin kencang, menjaga flora dan fauna yang ada di hutan, mengurangi efek rumah kaca (global warming), dan banyak manfaat lainnya.
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