Kampanye Alam "Happy Mina & Chaeyoung Day #MiChaeng32423" | LindungiHutan
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Happy Mina & Chaeyoung Day #MiChaeng32423

MCR Lokal

MCR Lokal

Rp 2,323,448 terkumpul dari Rp 3,000,000

8 Donatur

Batas Donasi: 26 April 2022
Kampanye Selesai
Penanaman: 18 April 2022

Belum ada kampanye terkait

Kampanye dibuat 18 April 2022
Celebrate Mina’s & Chaeyoung’s birthday by donating Mangrove Trees with Indonesian ONCE. Let’s celebrate the goodness in life! #MiChaeng32423
Salam Lestari!

I am lokalmichaeng. Some of you might know me from writing fiction about Mina & Chaeyoung but at this special occassion, let me write for something better... Their birthdays!!

Moreover, how we celebrate their birthdays! Let's do something different by donating Mangrove Trees under their names! I believe by doing something good, we can be better person and help the others, just like what Twice always teaches us!

Thank you for everyone who has donated through #AGrade TShirt & #NonaMina Scented Candles, all the profit will go here. And for you who want to donate, please do click lindungihutan.com/michaeng32423

Lokalmichaeng will donate the profit before 25th of April 2022.

Bagaimana cara berdonasi?
1. Klik Tombol “DONASI SEKARANG”
2. Input nominal yang akan di donasikanπ
3. Pilih metode pembayaran transfer Bank (transfer bank BNI, Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI), Go-
Pay dan Doku Wallet
4. Konfirmasi melalui WhatsApp, Website atau E-mail
5. Selesai
Kalian dapat membantu dengan cara berdonasi.

Anda Juga dapat melakukan Gabung Aksi penanaman dengan melakukan pendaftaran di
Tombol “Gabung Aksi”, biaya ditanggung peserta.
Salam Lestari !!
Data monitoring belum tersedia
2 tahun yang lalu
Rp 10,000
2 tahun yang lalu
Myoi Mina & Son Chaeyoung
Rp 2,151,025
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINA AND CHAEYOUNG May you two be healthy, wealthy and happy. We only wish the best for you two ❤️❤️ -Indonesian ONCE & MCR-
2 tahun yang lalu
Rp 32,423
We need more trees
2 tahun yang lalu
Rp 70,000
Semoga stok oksigen bisa terpenuhi
2 tahun yang lalu
Tamara Febrilianinda
Rp 25,000
2 tahun yang lalu
Myoi Mina & Son Chaeyoung
Rp 2,151,025
Rp 2,151,025
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINA AND CHAEYOUNG May you two be healthy, wealthy and happy. We only wish the best for you two ❤️❤️ -Indonesian ONCE & MCR-
2 tahun yang lalu
Rp 70,000
Rp 70,000
Semoga stok oksigen bisa terpenuhi
2 tahun yang lalu
Rp 32,423
Rp 32,423
We need more trees

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