Kampanye Alam "One KLAYD One Tree" | LindungiHutan
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One KLAYD One Tree



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1,070 pohon terkumpul dari 1,000 pohon

2 Donatur

Batas Donasi: 31 July 2025
317 Hari lagi
Penanaman: 31 July 2025
317 Hari lagi
Kampanye dibuat 01 August 2024
Together We Make A Change!
Salam Lestari!
We are KLAYD, a fashion company. KLAYD wants to contribute more to preserving nature of Indonesia. Apart from contributing in terms of donations, the product materials that KLAYD uses are sustainable and eco-friendly products.

We want to invite KLAYD customers to participate in preserving nature together.

The amount of donation needed for tree-planting and tree care is:
IDR 25,000/tree.

The importance of the existence of mangroves is felt by the people of the Ambulu Mangrove Area, Losari District, Cirebon Regency, West Java. In recent years, the Ambulu coastal area has experienced abrasion which has caused tidal floods. This incident occurred due to the conversion of mangrove forests into industrial land. This makes the Ambulu people actively plant mangroves in their environment.

LindungHutan has started to plan the Ambulu Mangrove Forest Area as a place to plant mangrove trees since 2022. With this program, it is hoped that mangrove forests will become sustainable again and natural damage in the Ambulu area can be reduced. Mangroves have great benefits for agricultural land and waters in the Ambulu area.

Main Program :
Planting mangrove trees to prevent the expansion of abrasion and tidal floods.

Program Development Potential :
Mangrove ecotourism

Why Should You Support This Program?
Program participation at this location also supports Sustainable Development (SDG's)
Prevent land degradation due to abrasion (SDG's 15)
Reducing the impact of flooding on residential areas (SDG's 15)
Increase green cover area (SDG's 15)
Help reduce carbon emissions (SDG's 13)
Improving the economy of farmers and local residents (SDG's 1)
Provide working hours for local residents (SDG's 8)

How to Donate??
1. Click the “DONATE NOW” Button
2. Input the nominal amount to be donated
3. Select the Bank transfer payment method (BNI, Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI bank transfers), Go-Pay and Doku Wallet
4. Confirm via WhatsApp, Website or E-mail
5. Done

You can also join the planting action by registering at
“Join Action” button, expenses are charged by participants.
Salam Lestari !!
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