Kampanye Alam "Seed of Pari Island" | LindungiHutan
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Seed of Pari Island

muhammad zaky jundana

muhammad zaky jundana

1 pohon terkumpul dari 100 pohon

1 Donatur

Batas Donasi: 17 August 2023
Kampanye Selesai
Penanaman: 31 December 2023
Selesai Ditanam
Unduh LPJ

Belum ada kampanye terkait

Kampanye dibuat 01 June 2023
A volunteer from lindungihutan.com has launched an NFT campaign to raise funds for planting trees in the Pari Island in Jakarta. The campaign, called "Plant a Tree, Save the Planet," aims to raise $300 to plant 1,00 trees in the island. The volunteer, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that they were inspired to launch the campaign after seeing the damage that has been done to the mangrove forests in Jakarta. "The mangrove forests are essential for protecting the coast from erosion and flooding," they said. "But they are under threat from development and pollution." The NFTs that are being sold as part of the campaign are unique digital artworks that represent a tree that will be planted in the Pari Island in Jakarta. The artworks were created by an artists who are passionate about environmental conservation. "We hope that by selling these NFTs, we can raise the funds that we need to plant trees and help to protect the mangrove forests in Jakarta," said the volunteer. "We also hope that the campaign will raise awareness of the importance of mangrove forests and encourage others to get involved in environmental conservation." The NFTs are being sold on the OBJKT marketplace. Buyers of the NFTs will receive a certificate of ownership and a digital artwork that represents the tree that they have helped to plant. The campaign is scheduled to run for three months. If the volunteer is able to raise the $300 that they need, they will plant the trees in the Pari Island in Jakarta in the end of 2023. The volunteer is hopeful that the campaign will be a success. "We believe that this is a unique and innovative way to raise funds for environmental conservation," they said. "We hope that people will support the campaign and help us to plant trees and protect the mangrove forests in Jakarta." If you are interested in supporting the campaign, you can visit the OBJKT marketplace to buy an NFT. You can also learn more about the campaign on the lindungihutan.com website.
Halo Sahabat,
Salam Lestari!
Perkenalkan, Saya ___. Saya adalah seorang _____. Saya berasal dari _____, saat ini kondisi
lingkungan disekitar daerah saya _____.

(foto keadaan terdampak)

Keterangan: ini adalah foto _____
Penyebab dari kondisi tersebut adalah _____. Sehingga menyebabkan dampak seperti _____.
Harapan saya _____.

Besaran Donasi yang diperlukan untuk melakukan penanaman dan perawatan pohon adalah
Rp 30,000/pohon.

Pulau Pari merupakan destinasi wisata yang terletak di Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta. Sebanyak 80% penduduknya bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan dan beralih profesi menjadi tour guide saat akhir pekan. Namun, abrasi dan banjir rob yang semakin parah dikhawatirkan dapat merusak keindahan dan mengancam pemukiman penduduk Pulau Pari.

Untuk itu, LindungiHutan melalui kampanye alam melakukan penanaman mangrove sejak tahun 2022 sebagai upaya untuk menahan abrasi. Akar mangrove berfungsi untuk mengendapkan lumpur sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya intrusi air laut ke daratan. Perbaikan ekosistem magrove di Pulau Pari juga menunjang kegiatan wisata untuk meningkatkan perekonomian warga.

Program Utama
Penanaman pohon mangrove untuk mencegah perluasan abrasi.

Potensi Pengembangan Program
  • Rumah pembibitan
  • Ekowisata mangrove
Mengapa Harus Mendukung Program Ini?
Partisipasiprogramdi lokasi ini turut mendukungPembangunan Keberlanjutan (SDG's)
  • Mencegah degradasi lahan akibat abrasi(SDG's 15)
  • Mengurangi dampak banjir di pemukiman warga(SDG's 15)
  • Meningkatkan area tutupan hijau(SDG's 15)
  • Membantu pengurangan emisi karbon(SDG's 13)
  • Meningkatkan perekonomian petani dan warga sekitar(SDG's 1)
  • Menyediakan jam kerja bagi warga sekitar(SDG's 8)

Bagaimana Cara Berdonasi ??
1. Klik Tombol “DONASI SEKARANG”
2. Input nominal yang akan di donasikanπ
3. Pilih metode pembayaran transfer Bank (transfer bank BNI, Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI), Go-
Pay dan Doku Wallet
4. Konfirmasi melalui WhatsApp, Website atau E-mail
5. Selesai

Anda Juga dapat melakukan Gabung Aksi penanaman dengan melakukan pendaftaran di
Tombol “Gabung Aksi”, biaya ditanggung peserta.
Salam Lestari !!
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1 tahun yang lalu
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Melalui Imbangi, setiap pengguna dapat menghitung jejak karbon yang dihasilkan dan menyerapnya dengan langkah penghijauan bersama LindungiHutan

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