Kampanye Alam "Dotlenieni.org x LindungiHutan" | LindungiHutan
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Dotlenieni.org x LindungiHutan



Lihat Partner

200 pohon terkumpul dari 200 pohon

2 Donatur

Batas Donasi: 25 March 2024
Kampanye Selesai
Penanaman: 11 May 2024
Selesai Ditanam
Unduh LPJ

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Kampanye dibuat 10 January 2024
Dotlenieni.org x LindungiHutan
Halo Sahabat,
Salam Lestari!

We are Dotlenieni.org, a social start-up created to connect people with nature based on Polland. We support forest planting campaigns and work for local societies by creating new green spaces in public places such as hospitals, orphanages, kindergartens and schools. We organize green workshops and lectures devoted to the most important issues related to the climate crisis. During our events, we create a space for exchanging experiences and ideas. We combine representatives of various sectors into one team working for our planet.

Tambakrejo is known as a fishing village and is located in Tanjungmas Village, North Semarang, Central Java. The sea is the mainstay of Tambakrejo fishermen to support their families. However, abrasion continues to erode Tambakrejo's land and results in closer beaches and tidal flooding. Apart from that, piles of rubbish on the coast also threaten residents' health.

To prevent abrasion, Protect Forest through a nature campaign has planted Rhizophora Mangrove trees in the area since 2016. Mangrove roots have the ability to hold and settle mud so they can withstand the speed of waves hitting land. Planting mangroves can also improve the quality of the local ecosystem so that marine biota, including fish, can develop well.

Main Program
Planting mangrove trees to prevent the expansion of abrasion and tidal floods.

Potential for Program Development
  • Nursery house
  • Sustainable pond system
  • Wave protection system
  • Mangrove product processing business
  • Mangrove ecotourism
Why Should You Support This Program?
Program participation at this location also supports Sustainability Development (SDG's)
  • Prevent land degradation due to abrasion (SDG's 15)
  • Reducing the impact of flooding in residential areas (SDG's 15)
  • Increasing green cover area(SDG's 15)
  • Helps reduce carbon emissions(SDG's 13)
  • Improving the economy of farmers and local residents (SDG's 1)
  • Providing working hours for local residents (SDG's 8)

How to Donate??
1. Click the “DONATE NOW” Button
2. Input the nominal amount to be donatedπ
3. Select the Bank transfer payment method (BNI, Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI bank transfer), Go-
Pay and Doku Wallet
4. Confirm via WhatsApp, Website or E-mail
5. Done

You can also join the planting action by registering at
“Gabung Aksi” button, costs borne by participants.

Salam Lestari !!
Data dan Emisi/Serapan Carbon dapat berubah sesuai data update dan usia pohon
11 May 2024
Pengamatan awal
Pohon Hidup
Pohon Mati
Diameter Pohon
Tinggi Pohon
Gambar Monitoring
5 bulan yang lalu
3.09 Pohon
7 bulan yang lalu
196.91 Pohon
5 bulan yang lalu
200 Pohon

Hitung Emisi Karbon dengan Mudah dan Gratis

Melalui Imbangi, setiap pengguna dapat menghitung jejak karbon yang dihasilkan dan menyerapnya dengan langkah penghijauan bersama LindungiHutan

Hitung Jejak Karbon