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IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

1,264.04 pohon terkumpul dari 500 pohon

70 Donatur

Batas Donasi: 03 May 2024
Kampanye Selesai
Penanaman: 12 May 2024
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Kampanye dibuat 25 March 2024
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education see the planting as a symbol of the work of the Institute and all its 25,000+ alumni to improve the water situation all around the world.

We would like to invite you to join us in the IHE Delft alumni’s Mangrove planting conservation campaign to celebrate achievements done by IHE Delft and its Alumni worldwide, during the 10th World Water Forum to be held in Bali, Indonesia. It's a symbol to our collective dedication, networking and hard work towards creating positive change and making a difference in the water sector. Together, we can amplify our impact and inspire others to join us on the journey towards a more sustainable future for everyone.

A group of alumni has proposed the fundraiser activity of planting Mangroves in Telok Benoa, Bali in collaboration with LindungiHutan, a local organization that works with Mangrove farmers, to protect these environments and the farmer’s livelihoods. Alumni are invited to buy mangrove trees that local farmers will plant before the forum. You are welcome to monitor the activity’s impact via this website. The outcomes will be presented during Alumni Networking Gathering at the 10th World Water Forum.

Mangroves are a typical Indonesian ecosystem which provides unique and valuable ecosystem services, such as attenuating storm surges and dissipating wind waves, thereby reducing coastal flood risk. Furthermore, coastal ecosystems worldwide face challenges that with our initiative, we aim to raise awareness and solve at the local scale. Our action and contribution aim to support climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts, coastal protection, leaving a sustainable legacy, helping nature, at the same time as aligning with IHE Delft’s research on behalf of IHE alumni and the Institute.

How to Donate:

  • Click/Tap "Donate" (The red button)
  • Choose Amount (Starting from 30k IDR)
  • Select Payment Method (PayPal is listed at the end)
  • Fill in Personal Information (Name, email, phone number)
  • Click/Tap "Donate" (The green button) (if you chose PayPal)
  • Wait for a few seconds, the page will be redirected to the PayPal payment page.

About IHE Delft

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education is the largest international graduate water education facility in the world. Based in Delft, the Netherlands, IHE Delft confers fully accredited MSc degrees and PhD degrees in collaboration with Dutch partner universities. The Institute conducts research and supports capacity development to address the world's water challenges.

We address water and sanitation challenges through education, research and capacity development, at global, national, local and even microscopic scales – the latter in our laboratories. We focus on all water-related fields, including social sciences, engineering and more. Our world-class experts teach and research fields such as climate change adaptation, governance, water diplomacy, desalination, water supply, wetlands and sustainable hydropower.

Together with Dutch and international partners, we offer high-quality education, including an MSc Programme in Water and Sustainable Development, a PhD programme, diploma courses, various short courses and online courses as well as customized training and capacity development, all within a uniquely international and interdisciplinary environment. People seeking to make an impact for water and environment, including water professionals, scientists, engineers, practitioners, consultants, activists, decision-makers, change-makers and others, come to IHE Delft to sharpen their ability to contribute to global sustainable development.

Mangrove in Benoa Bay

Read in the following link the story of Mangrove in Benoa Bay.

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