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Kolaborasi antara KLAYD dan LindungiHutan

KLAYD is a fashion company. KLAYD wants to contribute more in preserving Indonesia's nature, one of which is with the campaign of 1 KLAYD product sold equals 1 tree donation. In addition to contributing in the form of donations, the product materials that KLAYD uses are sustainable and environmentally friendly products. KLAYD wants to invite customers to participate in preserving nature together, especially in Pengarengan Beach, Cirebon Regency, West Java which is adjacent to industries and ponds. Pengarengan Beach is located in Cirebon Regency, West Java which is adjacent to industries and ponds. One of these areas has become a dumping ground for garbage that eventually disrupts the ecosystem. Abrasion and erosion also continue to impact this ecosystem. Some typical West Javanese fauna, such as the Javanese Lekok, are found there, which is an important requirement that this area needs to be protected. LindungiHutan helped the community to plant timber/fruit trees there. Mangrove trees are useful for protecting land from abrasion by forming new sediment. In addition, mangrove forest products can also be utilized for processing businesses by the local community. KLAYD and LindungiHutan's collaboration is a form of real action to preserve Indonesia's environment and natural ecosystems. baca selengkapnya

Kampanye yang dibantu

815 Pohon Terkumpul


Unduh LPJ

489 Pohon Terkumpul


2,350 Pohon Terkumpul


Unduh LPJ

1,070 Pohon Terkumpul


Monitoring setiap kampanye

  1. One KLAYD One Tree

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  2. One KLAYD One Tree

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