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Jadi suatu kebanggaan tersendiri pernah menjadi bagian dari LindungiHutan, bener bener banyak pelajaran yang didapet dari magang disini, terlebih lagi dari magang ini juga jadi lebih mengerti mengenai program penanaman pohon, dan ternyata manfaat dari penanaman pohon itu bagus banget buat alam maupun manusia, sukses selalu lindungi hutan dan semoga semakin memberikan dampak yang lebih luas kepada alam dan masyarakat (Translated by Google) So it's a special honor to have been part of LindungiHutan, there really are a lot of lessons learned from the internship here, moreover from this internship you also understand more about the tree planting program, and it turns out the benefits of tree planting are really good for nature and humans, always successful protect forests and hopefully have a wider impact on nature and societyIlham Tegu Pangestu
Lets protect our forestPKBM Bakti Nusa
Alhamdulillah.... Fakih sudah semester 3 tahun kedua Kuliah di UNNES sudah bisa Magang di tempat istimewa ini, LindungiHutan. Com (Translated by Google) Thank God.... Fakih is in the 3rd semester of his second year studying at UNNES and has been able to do an internship at this special place, LindungiHutan. ComMOHAMAD FAKIH MA'ARIF
Support their "There is No PLANET B" movements!Rachmi Puspaseruni
Vivian Alanis
Good Community!Mohd. Ripai
Senang sekali bisa berkunjung dan menjadinbagian dari lingungi hutan. Free WiFi bπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜„ (Translated by Google) It's great to be able to visit and be part of the forest environment. Free WiFi bπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜„Ananda Genta Tribuana
Amrizarois Ismail
zumala naila
Gag nyesel gabung di komunitas ini, saya jadi punya pengalaman yg keren yg bisa diceritakan ke anak cucu nanti. Moga aja cucu saya masih bisa ngerasain pantai di semarang. Aamiin. (Translated by Google) I don't regret joining this community, I will have a cool experience that I can tell my grandchildren about later. I hope my grandchildren can still experience the beaches in Semarang. Amen.Desy Ratna Christiyani
Basecamp organisasi komunitas lindungi hutan, (Translated by Google) Basecamp of community organizations protecting forests,lord garudus
Kantor pusat lindungi hutan. (Translated by Google) Headquarters protect forests.Rizka Liftia Devi
Gladyne Berlian Alif Zago
mantapppppp (Translated by Google) greatpppppBonifasius Bryan Elias
Bersama Menghijaukan Indonesia (Translated by Google) Together Greening IndonesiaRizka Ayu Fardani
Keren (Translated by Google) CoolM. Arief Rahman Halim
panji satria (JITRIPRA)

Jalin kerja sama CSR CorporaTree